Back on the saddle
Thanks to the good folks at CPC-Power
and CPCRulez
I got some renewed interest in CPC emulation accuracy.
My main motivation is to pass all commercial disk protections. I have done a lot o improvements on the core FDC emulation and am posting development versions as I go.
You can get them on the prerelease shelf.
CPC++ goes freeware and openSource
Thanks to a transalpine Linux expert friend, I am going to make CPC++ open source. This will take some time as we have many other things but I think it will happen.
Moving in that direction, I removed the registration scheme from all upcoming CPC++ versions.
You can find some on the prerelease shelf.
CPC++ runs on Windows
This is stale news in a sense since CPC++ has been running on Windows for a long time, but I never released it since there are so many good emulators on that platform.
However, people who help me test and all often prefer to do so on Windows, so I started diffusing it.
You can find some on the prerelease shelf.